Driven By Impact | Edition 12: May 2022

Driven By Impact is Climate People's monthly newsletter focusing on news, insights, and action-packed resources. Read for all of May's updates.

Edition 12: May 2022

Celebrating one year of Driven By Impact! 12 months of climate jobs, industry innovation, trends, job search advice, and much much more. To bring it back full circle — we need your help!

What's preventing you from working on climate?

→ Tell us here

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Looking to make the jump? Here are some of the top resources to help you transition your career to focus on climate solutions.

Climate People News

→ 70% of respondents see the role climate jobs can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some of our earliest survey findings.
→ How do you get a job in climate? Hear from job seekers who recently accepted a climate role.
→ Our team got together in Boston for a company offsite. We're so excited for all that's to come.

Monthly Must-Haves

→ How is Alaska Air decarbonizing? Season 3 of the Net Zero Life is live!

→ The industry sector is responsible for 21% of all CO2 emissions worldwide. The concrete industry is the main contributor.'

→ What's the buzz behind benefits? Climate jobs offer you the "full package."

Dose of Optimism

→ ClimateTech isn't a sector — it's the future of the global economy. This fact is evidenced by five climate companies making CNBC's Disruptor 50 List. A huge congrats to Flock Freight,Carbon Cure, Bloc Power, Impossible Foods, and Monarch Tractor.